
Nicole and Marco tell us about their trip with Flor de Pacifico

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Nicole and Marco are located in Costa Rica, near Playa Grande, just 20 minutes from Flor de Pacifico. In this video, they will tell us about their experience in this beautiful Central American country. How will they be finding each other? Let's hear their opinion and find out more!

They will share with us their impressions of the natural beauty of Playa Grande, the quality of the services offered by Flor de Pacifico and the hospitality of the local people. They will talk about their adventures, the activities they have carried out and how Costa Rica has fascinated them with its cultural and landscape richness


If you are looking for a unique destination for your holidays or are curious to know why Costa Rica is increasingly loved by tourists from all over the world, don't miss this testimony. Discover through the words of Nicole and Marco how Flor de Pacifico and Playa Grande can offer an unforgettable experience.

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